Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Green Smoothie with Mango

I ♥️ eating green smoothies for breakfast. Thanks to the sweetness of fruit, it's a painless way to get some not-so-favorite vegetables into our diets ~  which means improved digestion 😊 as well as some other potential long term benefits...

This recipe includes some cruciferous vegetables that tend to have a bitter taste due to their sulfur-containing compounds. Dr. Fuhrman says cruciferous vegetables are the most micronutrient-dense of all vegetables and are the most powerful anticancer foods in existence. He recommends eating 2 servings a day ~ and I created this recipe to help me get closer to that goal.

He indicates that finely chopping cruciferous veggies maximizes the production of ITCs (i.e., isothiocyanates). ITCs are not pre-formed in cruciferous plants but made when their plant cell walls are crushed (or chewed ;o). The more cell walls that are broken, the better!

I like to prepare a large quantity of veggies at a time and freeze them into one-cup individual packets. Then I can add a packet to my smoothie each morning, which means I can reach my 2-serving goal by early morning ☺️

So be good to yourself and try this smoothie ~ not only is it totally healthy 🍃 ~ but it's delicious too!

Ingredients per serving 
  • 1 cup of  cruciferous vegetables (one or a combination of collard greens, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage, watercress, turnips, rutabaga, bok choy) finely chopped or puréed
  • 1 cup frozen mango
  • Juice from an orange, about 1/2 cup
  • 1 tsp (or so) of raw honey, if desired

Combine all ingredients in blender until smooth. 

Topped with with granola and goji berries in top picture; topped with fruit in this picture🍒

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